Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage Plans Entitled to Medicare Liens

In late June, the 3rd Circuit held that Medicare Advantage Plans (“MAP” or “MAPs”) have the same rights to reimbursement as regular Medicare.  The district court in In Re Avandia Marketing, 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 63544, (E.D. Penn. 2012) originally held the plans do not have the same rights to reimbursement as regular Medicare.  However, […]

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Medicare Advantage Plan Liens & Reimbursement

Medicare Advantage Plans often claim liens and/or reimbursement rights on personal injury lawsuits.  This post isn’t about Medicare Advantage (“MA”) plan reimbursement rights (or whether the Medicare Secondary Payer statute allows federal actions for MA plans).  Instead, this post aims to assist in reduction of MA plan liens. Last week, we were offered a 25% […]

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