Archive | May 2012

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New LRS Logo

As LRS continues to grow and set ourselves apart from our competitors with our excellent work product we decided we need to set ourselves apart in a more overt way as well.  We know our name is generic, but you can’t miss what we do.  Starting in June, you won’t be able to miss us […]

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Medicare Case Type Definitions: Liability & No-Fault

The most important part of Medicare lien resolution occurs months (or even years) before you send payment to the MSPRC.  That most important process is reporting to the Coordination of Benefits Contractor (“COBC”).  If you report the wrong date of incident you risk wasting months of work.  If you report the wrong injuries you risk […]

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Medicare Conditional Payment Notices

Yesterday I saw more Conditional Payment Notices from Medicare in one day, than I had the entire month of April.  Conditional Payment Notices (“CPNs”) are different than Conditional Payment Letters (“CPLs”), but they should not concern you if you know how to respond.  This post will discuss what is a CPN, what do to with […]

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