Archive | April 2013

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SCOTUS Limits Medicaid Lien Recoveries

On March 20, 2013 the Supreme Court released its decision in Wos v. EMA, a federal case determining the legality of North Carolina’s Medicaid recovery statute.  The Court held that the anti-lien provision of the federal Medicaid Act prevents a state from taking any portion of a judgment or settlement not designated as medical care. […]

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SCOTUS: US Airways v. McCutchen Overruled

On April 16, 2013 the Supreme Court of the United States released its holding in US Airways v. McCutchen overruling the 3rd Circuit’s decision. The 3rd Circuit’s decision was part of a recent line of ERISA lien / ERISA reimbursement / ERISA subrogation cases with results in both directions.  The following four cases are listed […]

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